Percentage Change Calculator

The percentage change calculator determines the percent change in terms of increase or decrease based on the given values.


How to Use the Percentage Change Calculator?

It's very easy to use this tool.

  1. Firstly, input the initial and final values .
  2. Press the 'Calculate' button to start the calculation.
  3. As a result, the tool will return a percentage increase or decrease, the difference between two given values, and calculation steps.

How to Calculate Percentage Change?

The first thing to do is, calculate the difference.

Difference = Final Value - Initial Value

To calculate the percent change, divide the difference by the initial value and then multiply by 100.

Percent Change = (Difference / Initial Value) × 100

Here's a quick example:

1. Initial Value (Old Value) = $230

2. Final Value (New Value) = $440

Difference = $440 - $230 = $210

Percent Change = (210 / 230) × 100 = 91.3%

So, it indicates the final value has increased by 91.3% from the initial value.

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